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Saturday, May 2, 2020

FDA Approves The Emergency Use Of Remdesivir To Treat COVID-19

The Food and Drug Administration FDA gives an emergency authorization for the use of remdesivir to treat COVID-19 for critically ill patients.

There was news floating around about the efficacy of this drug that was originally developed to treat Ebola. After a study on 1,063 patients, it has been confirmed that Gilead Sciences’s remdesivir shortened the time to recovery by 31% from an average of 15 days to 11. The drug also may help to reduce deaths, but that’s not confirmed from the partial results revealed so far.

The optimism of Dr. Fauci

FDA Approves The Emergency Use Of Remdesivir To Treat COVID-19
FDA Approves The Emergency Use Of Remdesivir To Treat COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. Fauci
Esteemed virologist Dr. Anthony Fauci is one of the most authoritative voices when talking about Covid-19. He tends to be extremely cautious when talking about vaccines or “miraculous” cures. However, the American sounded very optimistic when talking about the benefits of remdesivir saying that it can “block the virus.”

It was most probably Fauci’s opinion to “force” the FDA to authorize the emergency use of remdesivir to fight the COVID-19.
Remdesivir will represent a new standard of care for severely ill patients infected by the Coronavirus. The drug still needs to be tested on people with milder illness, but here are good hopes that it will be successful also on these patients. Remdesivir will still need formal approval for treating the Coronavirus.

FDA’s chief scientist, Denise Hinton revealed, “It is reasonable to believe that the known and potential benefits outweigh the known and potential risks of the drug for the treatment of patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19.”

Trump commented: “I’m pleased to announce that Gilead now has an emergency waiver from the FDA for remdesivir. And you know what that is because that’s been the hot thing, also in the papers and in the media for the last little while an important treatment for hospitalized COVID-19patients.”

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