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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Nigerians Reacts To Man Who Shared Pictures Of All The Girls He Slept With

Nigerians have all lashed out at a young man, Moses who is 21 years old and claimed he has slept with 26 girls so far.
He supported his claim by recently sharing pictures of all the girls he has slept with.
Why would anyone think of doing something as vile and irresponsible as sharing pictures of girls he has slept with, I wonder if he parries it as scores or achievements.
Moses even went further to say that he has 46 girls so far on his list and he has successfully canceled out 26 after sleeping with them, making it a remainder of 20 girls.
He also said his goal is to sleep with 500 girls by the time he marks his 30th birthday.
Sharing of pictures of girls they’ve had affair with seems to be be the trend amongst young boys of these days
Girls and parents must begin to take caution to watch the kind of boys their children hang out with, because boys like this have no intentions of having a healthy relationship with them, he is just out there to count scores and fufil his evil goals.
To this effect, please take good look at the pictures to check if anyone you know is on the list and quickly call them to other and get them tested, because obviously this young might be spreading some kind of infection.
Here are the pictures he shared of the young girls he slept with.

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