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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Wife of Canadian PM, Sophie Trudeau has Recovered from Coronavirus | Check out Other World Updates

Wife of the Canadian Prime Minister, Sophie Trudeau has announced her recovery from COVID-19. She was diagnosed with the coronavirus on March 12, sending her and her entire family, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, into two weeks of isolation at their Ottawa residence.
In a posting on Facebook, she said she was feeling much better. Here’s what she wrote:
Hello my dear friends, Canadians, and allies everywhere.
I wanted to give you all an update: I am feeling so much better and have received the all clear from my physician and Ottawa Public Health.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you to everyone who reached out to me with their well wishes. And to everyone who is suffering right now, I send you all my love.
These are challenging times. I know it’s not easy to be alone – we are all social beings, me included! But just because we’re increasing the physical distance between us doesn’t mean we have to do the same emotionally. From social media to a simple phone call, there are so many ways for us to stay connected while we’re apart and actually deepen our relationships.
I strongly believe that science AND compassion will get us through this crisis. That means listening and following the health protocols and staying at home for the time being.
I feel so inspired to see so many people help and care for each other and help fight and control the spread of COVID-19. Neighbours are picking up groceries for each other, businesses are making the supplies we need, and artists are offering free performances to lift our spirits! This is what the world needs right now – and so many Canadians are doing that!
We’re going to get through this, my courageous friends and fellow Canadians, and we’re going to get through it together.

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